How to Have Your Best Year Yet!

It’s March 2017. Why a Happy New Year message? Because for many, the high and honorable aspirations at the start of the year have diminished.

2016 was a mixed bag of opportunities and challenges. We’re three months into the year and opportunities and challenges still exist or await. Knowing this, smile even if you have to force it for now, adjust our attitudes, help others, and prepare to discover creative ways to move forward. Often it is easier said than done. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to look back on 2017 as YOUR best year yet?

Work through any challenges and changes that come your way. You can predict and prepare for challenges that are consistent with daily living: job stress, marital issues, career problems, family health concerns and your child’s educational needs. You needn’t journey alone. Why would you do that? Benefits occur when you associate with people who like you and want to help you get to a less challenging place. Caution: Be certain those surrounding you are supporters. Keep your distance from anyone who might undermine your efforts.

How can you live your dream?

Dream BIG! Be faithful to your dream everyday.  Nourish, feed, and care for your dream. Baby steps and big steps forward embedded in prayer, the support of others, and a continual view towards the future will drive your dream into reality. Remember, the dream is more about the journey than the destination. Learn to enjoy the journey.  This reminds me of starting a weight loss program. I had my dream of a healthier, thinner me. Yet my baby steps included fewer calories, more exercise, and UGH!  Just being honest. Yet, over time, I begin to feel better, want to work out and eat healthy food. My mirror began to show my dream taking shape.  As 2017 presents you with challenges and changes take courage. Reflect negative situations and doubts with action and a faithful attitude. Say out loud words that give authority to your dream and ignite your passion to keep moving forward.

Let me know how your year is shaping up!  Leave a response.

Author: Lindsay

Chief Asker of Why, storyteller, facilitator, and wordsmith who never says no to a hot cup of tea. Author of Sunshine Why Would You Do That? An intimate look at how women sometimes behave in relationships and Sunshine Why Would You Do That? Bad Actors in the Workplace (coming November 2024). Proud member of the National Speakers Association. I'm all about digging deep into the "why" behind our choices, sparking real conversations, and helping others create meaningful connections through bold stories and thought-provoking questions.