5 Effective Communication Tips

5 Effective Communication Tips

This post shares five tips for effective communication. People who use effective communication techniques enjoy the results. Why? People like people who are other oriented. And, people support people they like. Whether your most important relationships are at work or at home, supportive relationships are pretty cool.

1. Turn the bill of your authority cap to the back.  Don’t think you have a cap. It’s there. It’s psychological. Create partnerships to eliminate fear in subordinates.2. Listen Attentively. Distractions abound during conversation. Developing active listening skills takes time; with practice you can become skilled at active listening. Additionally, when asking open-ended questions, show interest even though you may prefer a simple yes or no response. It will get easier with practice.

3. Tell people you appreciate their openness. Emphasize the value of openness particularly if you dislike what’s said.


You: I recommend that we replace our legacy mainframe system with current technology that does the same thing cheaper and has more functionality.

Sunshine: Why would we do that? Our mainframe has all the functionality we need. Besides, everyone knows how to use it for their work roles.

You: You make some good points. Let’s table this until we can gather more information.

This scenario is an example to show how this tip may play out in the real world.4. Discuss points of agreement; then move to areas of disagreement. Beginning with agreement will help the other person to relax any defensiveness. After the shields are down, squelch any sensitivity to the area of disagreement. We’re allowed our opinions, right? So, control your anger and don’t punish them for not agreeing with you. Anger may trigger anger in the other person or cause them to withdraw. Remain open and show that you’re O.K. with people not thinking the way you do.

5. Promote a culture of difference at your workplace or home. While working to establish shared meaning, watch out that the culture doesn’t become unable to move forward on areas of agreement.

Using the listed communication tips may change your communication results when integrated as part of your communication skills. There are  more effective communication tips to share. Visit Sunshine Why™ again soon.

Author: Lindsay

Chief Asker of Why, storyteller, facilitator, and wordsmith who never says no to a hot cup of tea. Author of Sunshine Why Would You Do That? An intimate look at how women sometimes behave in relationships and Sunshine Why Would You Do That? Bad Actors in the Workplace (coming November 2024). Proud member of the National Speakers Association. I'm all about digging deep into the "why" behind our choices, sparking real conversations, and helping others create meaningful connections through bold stories and thought-provoking questions.